(text-size: 0.5)+(color: #444)+(align: "==>")[By Sam Wilson. Music by Lara Pieters. v11]
{<div id="preloaded-images">
<img src="./graphics/title.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyeat.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyeatfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greygrow.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greygrowfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyplay.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyplayfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greysleep.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greysleepfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
(track: 'buried', 'loop', true)
(track: 'storm', 'loop', true)
(track: 'pushing', 'loop', true)
(track: 'aliased', 'play')
(track: 'aliased', 'play')
(text-size: 0.8)+(color: "grey")[(char-style: via (t8n-delay:pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[There are two things that you need to know.]
(char-style: via (t8n-delay:4s + pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[The first is that this game will only last for TEN MINUTES.]
(char-style: via (t8n-delay:8s + pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[The second is that you can only play it ONCE.]]
(after: 12s)[
(replace: ?titlebody)[
(link:"<img src='./graphics/title.gif'>")[
(set: $mins to 9)
(set: $secs to 60)
(go-to: "Body")]]]]
{(char-style: via (t8n-delay: 14s + pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[(link: "BEGIN")[(set: $mins to 9)(set: $secs to 60)(go-to: "Body")]]}
{(if: $passedgo is 0)[(go-to: "Opening")]
(event: when $mins is 8)[(set: $currentage to "SCHOOL AGE")(replace: ?agebody)[$currentage]]
(event: when $mins is 7)[(set: $currentage to "YOUNG ADULT")(replace: ?agebody)[$currentage]]
(event: when $mins is 6)[(set: $currentage to "ADULT")(replace: ?agebody)[$currentage]]
(event: when $mins is 4)[(set: $currentage to "MIDDLE AGE")(replace: ?agebody)[$currentage]]
(event: when $mins is 2)[(set: $currentage to "OLD AGE")(replace: ?agebody)[$currentage]]
}{(size:0.8)[AGE: |agebody>[$currentage] – TIME REMAINING :
(live: 1s)[
(if: $timerstart is 0)[10:00]
(set: $secs to it - 1)
(set: $money to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 1)
(set: $energy to it - 1)
(if: $food <= 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $energy <= 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
$mins:(digit-format: "00",$secs)
(if: $secs <= 0)[
(if:$mins <= 0)[
(set: $mins to it - 1)
(set:$secs to 60)]]]]
(track: 'pushing', 'fadeout', 6)(char-style: via (t8n-delay:pos*100)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[Your life has reached its end.(if: $belieflink is 1)[
Your faith grants you existence beyond this life.](if: $familylink is 1)[
Your family lives on, and the love you gave them is passed down through generations.](if: $communitylink is 1)[
The people you helped in life go on to help others.](if: $connectionlink is 1)[
The atoms that were your body go on to join new forms: Birds, insects, trees, other people.](if: $romancelink is 1)[
Although your life is over, the love that you experienced made it worth living.](if: $joylink is 1)[
And after everything, the joy you felt as a child will still be there, a moment in amber, frozen for eternity.]
That is all. That must be enough.
<div id="preloaded-images2">
<img src="./graphics/title.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="blackfeel.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="bluefeel.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="darkfeel.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="faithfeel.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greenfeel.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greybelieve.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greybelievefaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greybuy.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greybuyfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greydate.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greydatefaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyeat.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyeatfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyfeel.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyfriends.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyfriendsfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greygrow.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greygrowfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greynature.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greynaturefaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greynurture.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greynurturefaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyparty.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greypartyfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyplay.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyplayfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greysleep.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greysleepfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greystudy.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greystudyfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greythink.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greythinkfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyvolunteer.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyvolunteerfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greywork.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyworkfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyworry.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="greyworryfaded.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="orangefeel.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="pinkfeel.png" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/next.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/begin.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/blank.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/baby.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/child.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/party.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="./graphics/community.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/faith.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/joy.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/kiss.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/nature.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
(track: 'aliased', 'play')
(display: "Startup")
[(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[(display: "Intro1")]<textbody|] ]
|gamebody>[]|nextbody>[(link: "<img src='./graphics/next.gif'>")[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Intro2")](replace: ?nextbody)[(display: "Nextintro2")]]]You will be playing through a full life in ten minutes.aliased: ./audio/aliased.mp3
glitchy: ./audio/glitchy.mp3
trapcard: ./audio/trapcard.mp3
buried: ./audio/buried.mp3
fast: ./audio/fast.mp3
storm: ./audio/storm.mp3
pushing: ./audio/pushing.mp3|=
(text-size: 0)[|eatbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyeat.png' style='float:right'>")[(set: $clicks to it + 1)(set: $food to it + 15)(set: $energy to it - 5)(display: "Childcode")]]
|sleepbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greysleep.png' style='float:right'>")[(set: $clicks to it + 1)(set: $energy to it + 25)(set: $food to it - 5)(set: $joy to it - 5)(display: "Childcode")]]
|playbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyplay.png' style='float:right'>")[(set: $clicks to it + 1)(set: $joy to it + 5)(set: $joyexp to it + 2)(set: $energy to it - 5)(set: $food to it - 5)(display: "Childcode")]]
|learnbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greygrow.png' style='float:right'>")[(set: $experience to it + 1)(set: $clicks to it + 1)(set: $energy to it - 5)(set: $food to it - 5)(set: $joy to it - 5)(display: "Childcode")]]]
{(size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))
(size: 1)[
(meter: bind $joy, 100, "X", "Childhood joy: $joy", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #767))
(size: 1)[
(meter: bind $experience, 100, "X", "Understanding: $experience", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #676))
{(size: 0.5)[
(meter: bind $joyexp, 100, "X", "Joy experience: $joyexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))]}{
(event: when $clicks >= 4)[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Intro4")](replace: ?nextbody)[(display: "Nextintro4")](replace: ?gamebody)[(display: "Pausegame")]]
(if: $passedgo is 0)[(go-to: "Opening")]
(show: ?eatbutton)
(hide: ?noeatbutton)
(replace: ?textbody)[]
(if: $joy < 0)[(set: $joy to 0)]
(if: $joy > 100)[(set: $joy to 100)]
(if: $joyexp > 100)[(set: $joyexp to 100)]
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $energy >= 5)+(if:$food >= 5)+(if:$joy >= 5)
[(show: ?learnbutton)(hide: ?nolearnbutton)]
[(hide: ?learnbutton)(show: ?nolearnbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 5)+(if:$food >= 5)
[(show: ?playbutton)(hide: ?noplaybutton)]
[(hide: ?playbutton)(show: ?noplaybutton)]
(if: $energy <= 0)
[(hide: ?learnbutton)(show: ?nolearnbutton)
(hide: ?playbutton)(show: ?noplaybutton)
(hide: ?eatbutton)(show: ?noeatbutton)]
(if: $energy is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Awake")]]
(if: $food is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Too full")]]
(if: $joy is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Depressed1")]]
(if: $food is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Starving")]]
(if: $energy is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Exhausted")]]
(if: $joy is 100)
[(if: $joylink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You can never reach the same heights of childhood joy.]]
[(set: $joylink to 1)
(track: 'aliased', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Joybody")]]
(if: $joyexp is 100)
[(if: $joylink is 0)
[(set: $joylink to 1)
(set: $joy to 100)
(track: 'aliased', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Joybody")]]
(if: $experience2 > 7)
[(set: $experience2 to 7)]
}You are in school.{
(replace: ?nextbody)[]
(replace: ?textbody)[]
(show: ?eatbutton)(hide: ?noeatbutton)
(if: $grades < 0)[(set: $grades to 0)]
(if: $grades > 100)[(set: $grades to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $joy < 0)[(set: $joy to 0)]
(if: $joy > 100)[(set: $joy to 100)]
(if: $joyexp > 100)[(set: $joyexp to 100)]
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $energy >= 5)+(if:$food >= 5)+(if:$joy >= 5)+(if:$social >= 5)
[(show: ?learnbutton)(hide: ?nolearnbutton)]
[(hide: ?learnbutton)(show: ?nolearnbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 5)+(if:$food >= 5)
[(show: ?playbutton)(hide: ?noplaybutton)]
[(hide: ?playbutton)(show: ?noplaybutton)]
(if: $energy >= 5)+(if:$food >= 5)
[(show: ?socialbutton)(hide: ?nosocialbutton)]
[(hide: ?socialbutton)(show: ?nosocialbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 5)+(if:$food >= 5)
[(show: ?studybutton)(hide: ?nostudybutton)]
[(hide: ?studybutton)(show: ?nostudybutton)]
(if: $energy <= 0)[
(hide: ?learnbutton)
(show: ?nolearnbutton)
(hide: ?playbutton)
(show: ?noplaybutton)
(hide: ?eatbutton)
(show: ?noeatbutton)
(hide: ?socialbutton)
(show: ?nosocialbutton)
(if: $energy is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Awake")]]
(if: $food is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Too full")]]
(if: $social is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Popular")]]
(if: $grades is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Classtop")]]
(if: $joy is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Depressed1")]]
(if: $energy is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Exhausted")]]
(if: $food is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Starving")]]
(if: $social is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Lonely")]]
(if: $grades is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Fail")]]
(if: $joy is 100)
[(if: $joylink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You can never reach the same heights of childhood joy.]]
[(set: $joylink to 1)
(track: 'glitchy', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Joybody")]]
(if: $joyexp is 100)
[(if: $joylink is 0)
[(set: $joylink to 1)
(set: $joy to 100)
(track: 'glitchy', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Joybody")]]
(if: $experience2 > 14)[(set: $experience2 to 14)]
(set: $currentgame to "Schoolgame")
|eatbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyeat.png' style='float:right'>")[(set: $food to it + 20)
(set: $social to it - 5)
(set: $grades to it - 5)
(set: $energy to it - 5)
(display: "Schoolcode")
|noeatbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyeatfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
{|sleepbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greysleep.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $energy to it + 30)
(set: $food to it - 5)
(set: $joy to it - 5)
(set: $grades to it - 5)
(set: $social to it - 5)
(display: "Schoolcode")
|nosleepbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greysleepfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|playbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyplay.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $joy to it + 5)
(set: $joyexp to it + 2)
(set: $energy to it - 5)
(set: $food to it - 5)
(set: $social to it - 5)
(set: $grades to it - 5)
(display: "Schoolcode")
|noplaybutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyplayfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|socialbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyfriends.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $joy to it + 5)
(set: $joyexp to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 15)
(set: $grades to it - 5)
(set: $energy to it - 5)
(set: $food to it - 5)
(display: "Schoolcode")
|nosocialbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyfriendsfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|studybutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greystudy.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $grades to it + 15)
(set: $joy to it - 5)
(set: $social to it - 5)
(set: $energy to it - 5)
(set: $food to it - 5)
(display: "Schoolcode")
|nostudybutton>[<img src='./graphics/greystudyfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
{|learnbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greygrow.png' style='float:right'>")
[(set: $experience to it + 1)
(set: $experience2 to it + 1)
(set: $energy to it - 5)
(set: $food to it - 5)
(set: $joy to it - 5)
(set: $social to it - 5)
(set: $grades to it - 5)
(display: "Schoolcode")
(display: "Excode")
|nolearnbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greygrowfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))(meter: bind $joy, 100, "X", "Childhood joy: $joy", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #767))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #676))
(meter: bind $grades, 100, "X", "Grades: $grades", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $experience, 100, "X", "Understanding: $experience", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #676))
(hide: ?noeatbutton)
(hide: ?nosleepbutton)
(hide: ?noplaybutton)
(hide: ?nolearnbutton)
(hide: ?nosocialbutton)
(hide: ?nostudybutton)
(event: when $mins <= 7)[
(track: 'glitchy', 'fadeout', 3)(track: 'buried', 'play')
(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "YA1")]
(replace: ?gamebody)[(display: "YAgame")]]
(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "School1")]
{(size: 0.5)[
(meter: bind $joyexp, 100, "X", "Joy experience: $joyexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))]}You are in adulthood. Don't be overwhelmed.|headerbody>[(display: "Header")]
[(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[Time continues.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: $currentgame)]|nextbody>[]{
(if: $currentgame is "Childgame")[(track: 'aliased', 'play')]
(if: $currentgame is "Schoolgame")[(track: 'glitchy', 'play')]
(if: $currentgame is "YAgame")[(track: 'buried', 'play')]
(if: $currentgame is "Parentgame")[(track: 'storm', 'play')]
(if: $currentgame is "Oldgame")[(track: 'pushing', 'play')]
(set: $currentgame to "YAgame")
|eatbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyeat.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $food to it + 20)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "YAcode")]]
|noeatbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyeatfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|sleepbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greysleep.png' style='float:right'>")[
(if: $energy >= 100)[(replace: ?textbody)[You don't need sleep right now.]]
(set: $energy to it + 30)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(display: "YAcode")]]}
|socialbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyfriends.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $social to it + 12)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "YAcode")]]
|nosocialbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyfriendsfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|datebutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greydate.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $romance to it + 15)
(set: $romanceexp to it + 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "YAcode")]]
|nodatebutton>[<img src='./graphics/greydatefaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|partybutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyparty.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $indulgence to it + 12)
(set: $indulgenceexp to it + 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "YAcode")]]
|nopartybutton>[<img src='./graphics/greypartyfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|faithbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greybelieve.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $belief to it + 12)
(set: $beliefexp to it + 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "YAcode")]]
|nofaithbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greybelievefaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|volunteerbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyvolunteer.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $community to it + 12)
(set: $communityexp to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 5)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "YAcode")]]
|novolunteerbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyvolunteerfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|naturebutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greynature.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $connection to it + 12)
(set: $connectionexp to it + 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "YAcode")]]
|nonaturebutton>[<img src='./graphics/greynaturefaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|workbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greywork.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $money to it + 20 + $smart)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(display: "YAcode")]]
|noworkbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyworkfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|buybutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greybuy.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $things to it + 1)
(set: $thingno to it + 1)
(set: $indulgence to it + 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 5)
(if: $thingno is $thinglist's length)[(set: $thingno to 1)]
(display: "YAcode")
(display: "Thingcode")]]
|nobuybutton>[<img src='./graphics/greybuyfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|thinkbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyworry.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $reflection to it + 1)
(set: $thoughtno to it + 1)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(if: $thoughtno is $thoughtlist's length)[(set: $thoughtno to 1)]
(display: "YAcode")
(display: "Thoughtcode")]]
|nothinkbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyworryfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #676))
(meter: bind $romance, 100, "X", "Romance: $romance", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #765))
(meter: bind $indulgence, 100, "X", "Escape: $indulgence", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #776))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #667))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #676))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #676, 1, #776))
(event: when $mins <= 3)[
(if: $currentgame is "YAgame")[
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)(track: 'pushing', 'play')
(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Old1")]
(replace: ?gamebody)[(display: "Oldgame")]]]
(display: "YAcode")
(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "YA1")]
{(size: 0.5)[
(meter: bind $romanceexp, 100, "X", "Love experience: $romanceexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $indulgenceexp, 100, "X", "Escapism experience: $indulgenceexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $beliefexp, 100, "X", "Faith experience: $beliefexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $communityexp, 100, "X", "Community experience: $communityexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $connectionexp, 100, "X", "Nature experience: $connectionexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(replace: ?nextbody)[]
(replace: ?textbody)[]
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $romance < 0)[(set: $romance to 0)]
(if: $romance > 100)[(set: $romance to 100)]
(if: $indulgence < 0)[(set: $indulgence to 0)]
(if: $indulgence > 100)[(set: $indulgence to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $romanceexp > 100)[(set: $romanceexp to 100)]
(if: $indulgenceexp > 100)[(set: $indulgenceexp to 100)]
(if: $beliefexp > 100)[(set: $beliefexp to 100)]
(if: $communityexp > 100)[(set: $communityexp to 100)]
(if: $connectionexp > 100)[(set: $connectionexp to 100)]
(if: $energy >= 2)
[(show: ?eatbutton)(hide: ?noeatbutton)]
[(hide: ?eatbutton)(show: ?noeatbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)
[(show: ?socialbutton)(hide: ?nosocialbutton)]
[(hide: ?socialbutton)(show: ?nosocialbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)
[(show: ?datebutton)(hide: ?nodatebutton)]
[(hide: ?datebutton)(show: ?nodatebutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)
[(show: ?partybutton)(hide: ?nopartybutton)]
[(hide: ?partybutton)(show: ?nopartybutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?faithbutton)(hide: ?nofaithbutton)]
[(hide: ?faithbutton)(show: ?nofaithbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?volunteerbutton)(hide: ?novolunteerbutton)]
[(hide: ?volunteerbutton)(show: ?novolunteerbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?naturebutton)(hide: ?nonaturebutton)]
[(hide: ?naturebutton)(show: ?nonaturebutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)
[(show: ?workbutton)(hide: ?noworkbutton)]
[(hide: ?workbutton)(show: ?noworkbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 5)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?buybutton)(hide: ?nobuybutton)]
[(hide: ?buybutton)(show: ?nobuybutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?thinkbutton)(hide: ?nothinkbutton)]
[(hide: ?thinkbutton)(show: ?nothinkbutton)]
(if: $energy is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Awake")]]
(if: $food is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Too full")]]
(event: when $social is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Popular")]]
(if: $food is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Starving")]]
(if: $energy is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Exhausted")]]
(event: when $social is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Lonely")]]
(event: when $romance is 100)
[(if: $romancelink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[Your relationship is strong.]]
[(set: $romancelink to 1)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Romancebody")]]
(event: when $romanceexp >= 100)
[(if: $romancelink is 0)
[(set: $romancelink to 1)(set: $romance to 100)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Romancebody")]]
(event: when $indulgence is 100)
[(if: $partylink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[This is an intervention.]]
[(set: $partylink to 1)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Partybody")]]
(event: when $indulgenceexp is 100)
[(if: $partylink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[This is an intervention.]]
[(set: $partylink to 1)(set: $indulgence to 100)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Partybody")]]
(event: when $belief is 100)
[(if: $belieflink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You believe.]]
[(set: $belieflink to 1)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Faithbody")]]
(event: when $beliefexp is 100)
[(if: $belieflink is 0)
[(set: $belieflink to 1)(set: $belief to 100)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Faithbody")]]
(event: when $community is 100)
[(if: $communitylink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You are a part of a living community.]]
[(set: $communitylink to 1)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Communitybody")]]
(event: when $communityexp is 100)
[(if: $communitylink is 0)
[(set: $communitylink to 1)(set: $community to 100)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Communitybody")]]
(event: when $connection is 100)
[(if: $connectionlink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You are a part of the natural world.]]
[(set: $connectionlink to 1)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Connectionbody")]]
(event: when $connectionexp is 100)
[(if: $connectionlink is 0)
[(set: $connectionlink to 1)(set: $connection to 100)
(track: 'buried', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Connectionbody")]]
(event: when $money is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Rich")]]
(event: when $money is <= 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Poor")]]
(track: 'aliased', 'stop')
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/joy.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $joythoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[What is happening?]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "Joygame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
You begin as a child.Here are some controls. Try clicking on them. (If the buttons haven't appeared yet, give them a few seconds.)Depending on what you click, some of your needs will go up and others will go down.You don't have many choices as a child, but you will get more as time goes past.(link: "<img src='./graphics/next.gif'>")[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Intro3")(replace: ?nextbody)[<img src='./graphics/blank.gif'>](replace: ?gamebody)[(display: "Tutgame")]](link: "<img src='./graphics/next.gif'>")[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Intro4")](replace: ?nextbody)[(display: "Nextintro4")](replace: ?gamebody)[(display: "Pausegame")]](link: "<img src='./graphics/next.gif'>")[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Intro5")](replace: ?nextbody)[(display: "Nextintro5")]] (link: "<img src='./graphics/next.gif'>")[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Intro6")](replace: ?nextbody)[(display: "Nextintro6")]]Try to give yourself a good life. (link: "<img src='./graphics/next.gif'>")[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Intro7")](replace: ?nextbody)[(display: "Nextintro7")](replace: ?headerbody)[(display: "Header")]]Oh, and one more important thing: Your timer. (link: "<img src='./graphics/next.gif'>")[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Intro8")](replace: ?nextbody)[(display: "Nextintro8")]]Good luck.(link: "<img src='./graphics/begin.gif'>")[(set: $timerstart to 1)(replace: ?gamebody)[(display: "Childgame")](replace: ?nextbody)[
]]You are depressed. Were you thinking about the timer?You are starving.You are exhausted.You are uncomfortably full.|=
{(set: $currentgame to "Childgame")
|eatbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyeat.png' style='float:right'>")
[(set: $food to it + 15)
(set: $energy to it - 5)
(display: "Childcode")]]
|noeatbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyeatfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
{|sleepbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greysleep.png' style='float:right'>")
[(set: $energy to it + 25)
(set: $food to it - 5)
(set: $joy to it - 5)
(display: "Childcode")]]
|nosleepbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greysleepfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
{|playbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyplay.png' style='float:right'>")
[(set: $joy to it + 5)
(set: $joyexp to it + 2)
(set: $energy to it - 5)
(set: $food to it - 5)
(display: "Childcode")]]
|noplaybutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyplayfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
{|learnbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greygrow.png' style='float:right'>")
[(set: $experience to it + 1)
(set: $experience2 to it + 1)
(set: $energy to it - 5)
(set: $food to it - 5)
(set: $joy to it - 5)
(display: "Childcode")
(display: "Excode")]]
|nolearnbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greygrowfaded.png' style='float:right'>]
(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))]}{(text-size: 1)[(meter: bind $joy, 100, "X", "Childhood joy: $joy", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #767))]}{
(text-size: 1)[(meter: bind $experience, 100, "X", "Understanding: $experience", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #676))]}
{(size: 0.5)[
(meter: bind $joyexp, 100, "X", "Joy experience: $joyexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))]}{
(hide: ?noeatbutton)
(hide: ?nosleepbutton)
(hide: ?noplaybutton)
(hide: ?nolearnbutton)
(event: when $mins <= 8)
[(track: 'aliased', 'fadeout', 3)
(track: 'glitchy', 'play')
(replace: ?gamebody)[(display: "Schoolgame")]]
(if: $passedgo is 0)[(go-to: "Opening")]<img src='./graphics/greyeatfaded.png' style='float:right'>
<img src='./graphics/greysleepfaded.png' style='float:right'>
<img src='./graphics/greyplayfaded.png' style='float:right'>
<img src='./graphics/greygrowfaded.png' style='float:right'>
(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))
(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $joy, 100, "X", "Childhood joy: $joy", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #767))
(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $experience, 100, "X", "Understanding: $experience", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #676))]}
{(size: 0.5)[
(meter: bind $joyexp, 100, "X", "Joy experience: $joyexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))]}
You are in bliss. Press the button at the bottom.You're popular!You're lonely.You're top of the class! Your future will be easier.(set: $smart to it + 1)You are failing school!(replace: ?textbody)[(print: $experience2 of $exlist)]|=
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/pinkfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $joy to it - 5)
(set: $joythoughtno to it + 1)
(display: "Joycode")]
(text-size: 1)[(meter: bind $joy, 100, "X", "Joy: $joy", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff99bc))]{
(if: $joy < 0)[(set: $joy to 0)]
(if: $joythoughtno is $joythoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $joythoughtno of $joythoughts)]}(replace: ?textbody)[(print: $thoughtno of $thoughtlist)](replace: ?textbody)[You bought (print: $thingno of $thinglist)]You can't take it with you.You're in debt.{
(display: "Startup")
(track: 'aliased', 'stop')
(track: 'buried', 'play')
}|headerbody>[(display: "Header")]
[(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[(display: "YA1")]<textbody|] ]
|gamebody>[(display: "YAgame")]|nextbody>[]{
(display: "Startup")
(track: 'aliased', 'stop')
(track: 'glitchy', 'play')
}|headerbody>[(display: "Header")]
[(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[(display: "School1")]<textbody|] ]
|gamebody>[(display: "Schoolgame")]|nextbody>[]|img>[
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/party.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $partythoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[Bliss.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "Partygame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
(set: $food to it - 10)
(set: $energy to it - 10)
(set: $social to it - 10)
(set: $romance to it - 10)
(set: $indulgence to it - 10)
(set: $belief to it - 10)
(set: $community to it - 10)
(set: $connection to it - 10)
(set: $money to it - 5)
(set: $things to it - 1)
(set: $reflection to it + 1)
(set: $partythoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $romance < 0)[(set: $romance to 0)]
(if: $indulgence < 0)[(set: $indulgence to 0)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $things < 0)[(set: $things to 0)]
(if: $partythoughtno is $partythoughts's length)[(track: 'fast', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $partythoughtno of $partythoughts)]
{(track: 'fast', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/blackfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "Partycode")]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #333))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #111))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #333))
(meter: bind $romance, 100, "X", "Romance: $romance", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #111))
(meter: bind $indulgence, 100, "X", "Escape: $indulgence", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #333))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #111))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #333))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #111))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #333))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #111))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffff80, 1, #333))
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/kiss.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $romancethoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[This is it.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "Romancegame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 2)
(set: $belief to it + 2)
(set: $community to it + 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $romance < 0)[(set: $romance to 0)]
(if: $romance > 100)[(set: $romance to 100)]
(if: $indulgence < 0)[(set: $indulgence to 0)]
(if: $indulgence > 100)[(set: $indulgence to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(set: $romancethoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $romancethoughtno is $romancethoughts's length)[(go-to: "Question")]
(replace: ?textbody)[(print: $romancethoughtno of $romancethoughts)]
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/orangefeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "Romancecode")]
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff781f))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff680f))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff781f))
(meter: bind $romance, 100, "X", "Romance: $romance", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff680f))
(meter: bind $indulgence, 100, "X", "Escape: $indulgence", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff781f))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff680f))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff781f))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff680f))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff781f))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff680f))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffffff, 1, #ff781f))
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/faith.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $faiththoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[A leap of faith.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "Faithgame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $community to it + 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $faiththoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $romance < 0)[(set: $romance to 0)]
(if: $romance > 100)[(set: $romance to 100)]
(if: $indulgence < 0)[(set: $indulgence to 0)]
(if: $indulgence > 100)[(set: $indulgence to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $faiththoughtno is $faiththoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $faiththoughtno of $faiththoughts)]
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/faithfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "Faithcode")]
(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $romance, 100, "X", "Romance: $romance", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $indulgence, 100, "X", "Escape: $indulgence", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/community.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $communitythoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[We echo a million people before us.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "Communitygame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it + 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $communitythoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $romance < 0)[(set: $romance to 0)]
(if: $romance > 100)[(set: $romance to 100)]
(if: $indulgence < 0)[(set: $indulgence to 0)]
(if: $indulgence > 100)[(set: $indulgence to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $communitythoughtno is $communitythoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $communitythoughtno of $communitythoughts)]
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "Communitycode")]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $romance, 100, "X", "Romance: $romance", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $indulgence, 100, "X", "Escape: $indulgence", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/nature.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $connectionthoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[Close your eyes and breathe deep.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "Connectiongame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $belief to it + 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $connectionthoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $romance < 0)[(set: $romance to 0)]
(if: $romance > 100)[(set: $romance to 100)]
(if: $indulgence < 0)[(set: $indulgence to 0)]
(if: $indulgence > 100)[(set: $indulgence to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $connectionthoughtno is $connectionthoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $connectionthoughtno of $connectionthoughts)]
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greenfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "Connectioncode")]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $romance, 100, "X", "Romance: $romance", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $indulgence, 100, "X", "Escape: $indulgence", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(replace: ?nextbody)[]
(replace: ?textbody)[]
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $family < 0)[(set: $family to 0)]
(if: $family > 100)[(set: $family to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $beliefexp > 100)[(set: $beliefexp to 100)]
(if: $communityexp > 100)[(set: $communityexp to 100)]
(if: $connectionexp > 100)[(set: $connectionexp to 100)]
(if: $familyexp > 100)[(set: $familyexp to 100)]
(if: $energy >= 2)
[(show: ?eatbutton)(hide: ?noeatbutton)]
[(hide: ?eatbutton)(show: ?noeatbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$family >= 2)
[(show: ?socialbutton)(hide: ?nosocialbutton)]
[(hide: ?socialbutton)(show: ?nosocialbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)
[(show: ?nurturebutton)(hide: ?nonurturebutton)]
[(hide: ?nurturebutton)(show: ?nonurturebutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)+(if:$family >= 2)
[(show: ?faithbutton)(hide: ?nofaithbutton)]
[(hide: ?faithbutton)(show: ?nofaithbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)+(if:$family >= 2)
[(show: ?volunteerbutton)(hide: ?novolunteerbutton)]
[(hide: ?volunteerbutton)(show: ?novolunteerbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)+(if:$family >= 2)
[(show: ?naturebutton)(hide: ?nonaturebutton)]
[(hide: ?naturebutton)(show: ?nonaturebutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)
[(show: ?workbutton)(hide: ?noworkbutton)]
[(hide: ?workbutton)(show: ?noworkbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 5)+(if:$social >= 2)+(if:$family >= 2)
[(show: ?buybutton)(hide: ?nobuybutton)]
[(hide: ?buybutton)(show: ?nobuybutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)+(if:$family >= 2)
[(show: ?thinkbutton)(hide: ?nothinkbutton)]
[(hide: ?thinkbutton)(show: ?nothinkbutton)]
(if: $energy is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Awake")]]
(if: $food is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Too full")]]
(if: $social is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Popular")]]
(if: $family is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Familyfail")]]
(if: $social is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Lonely")]]
(if: $food is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Starving")]]
(if: $energy is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Exhausted")]]
(if: $family is 100)
[(if: $familylink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You love your family.]]
[(set: $familylink to 1)
(track: 'storm', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Familybody")]]
(if: $familyexp is 100)
[(if: $familylink is 0)
[(set: $familylink to 1)(set: $family to 100)
(track: 'storm', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "Familybody")]]
(event: when $belief is 100)
[(if: $belieflink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You believe.]]
[(set: $belieflink to 1)
(track: 'storm', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "PFaithbody")]]
(event: when $beliefexp is 100)
[(if: $belieflink is 0)
[(set: $belieflink to 1)(set: $belief to 100)
(track: 'storm', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "PFaithbody")]]
(event: when $community is 100)
[(if: $communitylink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You are a part of a living community.]]
[(set: $communitylink to 1)
(track: 'storm', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "PCommunitybody")]]
(event: when $communityexp is 100)
[(if: $communitylink is 0)
[(set: $communitylink to 1)(set: $community to 100)
(track: 'storm', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "PCommunitybody")]]
(event: when $connection is 100)
[(if: $connectionlink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You are a part of the natural world.]]
[(set: $connectionlink to 1)
(track: 'storm', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "PConnectionbody")]]
(event: when $connectionexp is 100)
[(if: $connectionlink is 0)
[(set: $connectionlink to 1)(set: $connection to 100)
(track: 'storm', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "PConnectionbody")]]
(if: $money is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Rich")]]
(if: $money is <= 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Poor")]]
(track: 'aliased', 'stop')
(set: $currentgame to "Parentgame")
|eatbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyeat.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $food to it + 20)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $family to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Parentcode")]]
|noeatbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyeatfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|sleepbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greysleep.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $energy to it + 30)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $family to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(display: "Parentcode")]]}
|socialbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyfriends.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $social to it + 12)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $family to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Parentcode")]]
|nosocialbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyfriendsfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|nurturebutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greynurture.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $family to it + 10)
(set: $familyexp to it + 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Parentcode")]]
|nonurturebutton>[<img src='./graphics/greynurturefaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|faithbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greybelieve.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $belief to it + 12)
(set: $beliefexp to it + 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $family to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Parentcode")]]
|nofaithbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greybelievefaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|volunteerbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyvolunteer.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $community to it + 12)
(set: $communityexp to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 5)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $family to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Parentcode")]]
|novolunteerbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyvolunteerfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|naturebutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greynature.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $connection to it + 12)
(set: $connectionexp to it + 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $family to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Parentcode")]]
|nonaturebutton>[<img src='./graphics/greynaturefaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|workbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greywork.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $money to it + 20 + $smart)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $family to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(display: "Parentcode")]]
|noworkbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyworkfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|buybutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greybuy.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $things to it + 1)
(set: $thingno to it + 1)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $family to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 5)
(if: $thingno is $thinglist's length)[(set: $thingno to 1)]
(display: "Parentcode")
(display: "Thingcode")]]
|nobuybutton>[<img src='./graphics/greybuyfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|thinkbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyworry.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $reflection to it + 1)
(set: $thoughtno to it + 1)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $family to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(if: $thoughtno is $thoughtlist's length)[(set: $thoughtno to 1)]
(display: "Parentcode")
(display: "Thoughtcode")]]
|nothinkbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyworryfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #676))
(meter: bind $family, 100, "X", "Family: $family", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #677))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #676))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #667))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #676))
(event: when $mins <= 0)[
(track: 'storm', 'fadeout', 3)(track: 'pushing', 'play')
(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Final1")]
(replace: ?gamebody)[(display: "Finalgame")]]
(display: "Parentcode")
(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Parent1")]
{(size: 0.5)[
(meter: bind $familyexp, 100, "X", "Family experience: $familyexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $beliefexp, 100, "X", "Faith experience: $beliefexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $communityexp, 100, "X", "Community experience: $communityexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $connectionexp, 100, "X", "Nature experience: $connectionexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(set: $currentgame to "Oldgame")
|eatbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyeat.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $food to it + 20)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Oldcode")]]
|noeatbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyeatfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|sleepbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greysleep.png' style='float:right'>")[
(if: $energy >= 100)[(replace: ?textbody)[You don't need sleep right now.]]
(set: $energy to it + 30)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(display: "Oldcode")]]}
|socialbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyfriends.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $social to it + 12)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Oldcode")]]
|nosocialbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyfriendsfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|faithbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greybelieve.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $belief to it + 12)
(set: $beliefexp to it + 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Oldcode")]]
|nofaithbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greybelievefaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|volunteerbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyvolunteer.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $community to it + 12)
(set: $communityexp to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 5)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Oldcode")]]
|novolunteerbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyvolunteerfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|naturebutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greynature.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $connection to it + 12)
(set: $connectionexp to it + 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(display: "Oldcode")]]
|nonaturebutton>[<img src='./graphics/greynaturefaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|workbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greywork.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $money to it + 20 + $smart)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(display: "Oldcode")]]
|noworkbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyworkfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|buybutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greybuy.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $things to it + 1)
(set: $thingno to it + 1)
(set: $indulgence to it + 2)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 5)
(if: $thingno is $thinglist's length)[(set: $thingno to 1)]
(display: "Oldcode")
(display: "Thingcode")]]
|nobuybutton>[<img src='./graphics/greybuyfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|thinkbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyworry.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $reflection to it + 1)
(set: $thoughtno to it + 1)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it - 2)
(set: $belief to it - 2)
(set: $money to it - 1)
(if: $thoughtno is $thoughtlist's length)[(set: $thoughtno to 1)]
(display: "Oldcode")
(display: "Thoughtcode")]]
|nothinkbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyworryfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #676))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #667))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #676))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #766))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #667))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #676))
(event: when $mins <= 0)[
(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Final1")]
(replace: ?gamebody)[(display: "Finalgame")]]
(display: "Oldcode")
(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Old1")]
{(size: 0.5)[
(meter: bind $beliefexp, 100, "X", "Faith experience: $beliefexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $communityexp, 100, "X", "Community experience: $communityexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $connectionexp, 100, "X", "Nature experience: $connectionexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(replace: ?nextbody)[]
(replace: ?textbody)[]
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $beliefexp > 100)[(set: $beliefexp to 100)]
(if: $communityexp > 100)[(set: $communityexp to 100)]
(if: $connectionexp > 100)[(set: $connectionexp to 100)]
(if: $energy >= 2)
[(show: ?eatbutton)(hide: ?noeatbutton)]
[(hide: ?eatbutton)(show: ?noeatbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)
[(show: ?socialbutton)(hide: ?nosocialbutton)]
[(hide: ?socialbutton)(show: ?nosocialbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?faithbutton)(hide: ?nofaithbutton)]
[(hide: ?faithbutton)(show: ?nofaithbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?volunteerbutton)(hide: ?novolunteerbutton)]
[(hide: ?volunteerbutton)(show: ?novolunteerbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?naturebutton)(hide: ?nonaturebutton)]
[(hide: ?naturebutton)(show: ?nonaturebutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)
[(show: ?workbutton)(hide: ?noworkbutton)]
[(hide: ?workbutton)(show: ?noworkbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 5)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?buybutton)(hide: ?nobuybutton)]
[(hide: ?buybutton)(show: ?nobuybutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)+(if:$money >= 1)+(if:$social >= 2)
[(show: ?thinkbutton)(hide: ?nothinkbutton)]
[(hide: ?thinkbutton)(show: ?nothinkbutton)]
(if: $energy is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Awake")]]
(if: $food is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Too full")]]
(if: $money is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Rich")]]
(if: $social is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Popular")]]
(if: $social is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Lonely")]]
(if: $money is <= 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Poor")]]
(if: $food is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Starving")]]
(if: $energy is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Exhausted")]]
(if: $belief is 100)
[(if: $belieflink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You believe.]]
[(set: $belieflink to 1)
(track: 'pushing', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "OFaithbody")]]
(if: $community is 100)
[(if: $communitylink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You are a part of a living community.]]
[(set: $communitylink to 1)
(track: 'pushing', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "OCommunitybody")]]
(if: $connection is 100)
[(if: $connectionlink is 1)
[(replace: ?textbody)[You are a part of the natural world.]]
[(set: $connectionlink to 1)
(track: 'pushing', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "OConnectionbody")]]
(if: $beliefexp is 100)
[(if: $belieflink is 0)
[(set: $belieflink to 1)(set: $belief to 100)
(track: 'pushing', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "OFaithbody")]]
(if: $communityexp is 100)
[(if: $communitylink is 0)
[(set: $communitylink to 1)(set: $community to 100)
(track: 'pushing', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "OCommunitybody")]]
(if: $connectionexp is 100)
[(if: $connectionlink is 0)
[(set: $connectionlink to 1)(set: $connection to 100)
(track: 'pushing', 'fadeout', 3)
(go-to: "OConnectionbody")]]
(track: 'aliased', 'stop')
}Family life.You are failing your family.|img>[
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/baby.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $familythoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[Perfection.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "Familygame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
Would you like to have children?
<img src='./graphics/child.gif'>
(link: "YES")[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(set: $currentgame to "Parentgame")(go-to: "Returnbody")]
(link: "NO")[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(set: $currentgame to "YAgame")(go-to: "Returnbody")]|=
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/bluefeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "Familycode")]
(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #ddecff, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #bdccdf, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #ddecff, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $family, 100, "X", "Family: $family", (gradient: 90, 0, #bdccdf, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #ddecff, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #bdccdf, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #ddecff, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #bdccdf, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #ddecff, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Reflection: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #bdccdf, 1, #000000))
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 2)
(set: $belief to it + 2)
(set: $community to it + 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $familythoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $romance < 0)[(set: $romance to 0)]
(if: $romance > 100)[(set: $romance to 100)]
(if: $indulgence < 0)[(set: $indulgence to 0)]
(if: $indulgence > 100)[(set: $indulgence to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $familythoughtno is $familythoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $familythoughtno of $familythoughts)]
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/faith.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $faiththoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[A leap of faith.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "PFaithgame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/faithfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "PFaithcode")]
(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $family, 100, "X", "Family: $family", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 2)
(set: $family to it + 2)
(set: $community to it + 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $faiththoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $family < 0)[(set: $romance to 0)]
(if: $family > 100)[(set: $romance to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $faiththoughtno is $faiththoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $faiththoughtno of $faiththoughts)]
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/community.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $communitythoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[We echo a million people before us.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "PCommunitygame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 2)
(set: $family to it + 2)
(set: $belief to it + 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $communitythoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $family < 0)[(set: $family to 0)]
(if: $family > 100)[(set: $family to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $communitythoughtno is $communitythoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $communitythoughtno of $communitythoughts)]
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "PCommunitycode")]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $family, 100, "X", "Family: $family", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(set: $exlist to (a:
"Is this it?",
"This black and grey world?",
"Why aren't there more choices?",
"The timer is distressing.",
"Can this be all there is?",
"Find a way out.",
"There is nothing else. Find a way out.",
"Infinity is rarely mentioned in class.",
"It breaks everything else we're taught.",
"What is zero multiplied by infinity?",
"What is nothingness, multiplied by eternity?",
"Ignore such questions. Be rational.",
"Focus on the present.",
"There is nothing else to say.",
(set: $thinglist to (a:
"a kitchen set.",
"a washing machine.",
"a tumble dryer.",
"a dishwasher.",
"a television.",
"a laptop.",
"a sound system.",
"a fancy jacket.",
"a new car.",
"a gaming console.",
"sporting gear.",
"a sofa.",
"a hot tub.",
"garden furniture.",
"golf clubs.",
"a VR headset.",
(set: $thoughtlist to (a:
"You can't do everything.",
"Focus on what matters.",
"How do you know if you are doing this right?",
"Are you making the right choices?",
"Why does there have to be a timer?",
"Why can't you play more than once?",
"What happens when the game ends?",
"A black screen? Silence?",
"Your thoughts are spiralling.",
(set: $finalthoughtlist to (a:
"There are no more choices to make.",
"No more responsibilities.",
"The only thing left to do is think.",
"What if there is nothing after death?",
"Then only the present is real.",
"But the present includes everything inside us.",
"It includes our knowledge that we are part of something bigger.",
"Our visions of eternity.",
"If there is nothing outside life, what can contradict this?",
"If death is nothingness, then it has no meaning.",
"Only one thing really matters:",
"What do you believe?",
(set: $faiththoughts to (a:
"A deliberate choice.",
"A statement: 'Life is eternal.'",
"Release doubts.",
"Surrender yourself.",
"Embrace, and rejoice.",
"All that is required is your belief.",
"Now believe.",
" "))
(set: $communitythoughts to (a:
"We share a common humanity.",
"We are one.",
"We have lived for hundreds of millenia.",
"We span the globe.",
"Move past fear.",
"Catch glimpses of each other.",
"Eight billion inner worlds.",
"Different lives, each one connected.",
"What we give each other lives on.",
"Our bodies don't last, but our choices ripple outwards.",
"Humanity thrives.",
" "))
(set: $connectionthoughts to (a:
"You are immersed.",
"One thread in a vast network.",
"The life web spreads out around you.",
"A billion interconnecting strands.",
"Competition and symbiosis.",
"Everything shaping everything else.",
"Boundaries dissolve.",
"Nothing is alone.",
"A tapestry of infinite complexity.",
"What is a life, in this ocean?",
"A brief ripple in eternal evolution.",
" "))
(set: $joythoughts to (a:
"You are overjoyed.",
"For a moment, you are outside time.",
"A glimpse of something beyond.",
"Is this just an illusion?",
"A childhood dream of immortality?",
"You will never reach these heights again.",
"Your joy is already slipping away.",
"In a few moments, this will be a memory.",
"But it feels so real.",
" "))
(set: $partythoughts to (a:
"The time pressure is gone.",
"The choices are gone.",
"You are free.",
"But escape comes at a heavy price.",
"You are burning out.",
"You cannot sustain this.",
"You are losing everything.",
"Return will not be easy.",
"But you need to go back.",
" "))
(set: $romancethoughts to (a:
"You are together.",
"Immersed in each other.",
"Love expands outwards.",
"Everything shines with meaning.",
"Light on morning sheets.",
"Time no longer matters.",
"This moment will always exist.",
"It will be precious, even when it's the past.",
" "))
(set: $familythoughts to (a:
"A tiny life.",
"A microcosm.",
"You cradle a new centre.",
"The whole world, contained within.",
"The universe turned inside out.",
"So much of yourself is in there.",
"And so much of your parents are in you.",
"Why fear the end?",
"Life and love flow from generation to generation.",
" "))
(set: $experience to 0)
(set: $joylink to 0)
(set: $partylink to 0)
(set: $romancelink to 0)
(set: $belieflink to 0)
(set: $communitylink to 0)
(set: $connectionlink to 0)
(set: $familylink to 0)
(set: $clicks to 0)
(set: $food to 50)
(set: $energy to 50)
(set: $social to 20)
(set: $joy to 50)
(set: $grades to 50)
(set: $romance to 20)
(set: $indulgence to 20)
(set: $belief to 20)
(set: $community to 20)
(set: $connection to 20)
(set: $things to 0)
(set: $money to 150)
(set: $reflection to 0)
(set: $joyexp to 0)
(set: $familyexp to 0)
(set: $romanceexp to 0)
(set: $indulgenceexp to 0)
(set: $beliefexp to 0)
(set: $communityexp to 0)
(set: $connectionexp to 0)
(set: $smart to 0)
(set: $family to 20)
(set: $passedgo to 1)
(set: $currentage to "CHILD")
(set: $timerstart to 0)
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/nature.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $connectionthoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[Close your eyes and breathe deep.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "PConnectiongame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $belief to it + 2)
(set: $romance to it - 2)
(set: $connectionthoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $family < 0)[(set: $family to 0)]
(if: $family > 100)[(set: $family to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $connectionthoughtno is $connectionthoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $connectionthoughtno of $connectionthoughts)]
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greenfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "PConnectioncode")]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $family, 100, "X", "Family: $family", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(display: "Startup")
(track: 'aliased', 'stop')
(track: 'storm', 'play')
}|headerbody>[(display: "Header")]
[(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[(display: "Parent1")]<textbody|] ]
|gamebody>[(display: "Parentgame")]|nextbody>[]|img>[
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/faith.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $faiththoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[A leap of faith.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "OFaithgame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/community.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $communitythoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[We echo a million people before us.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "OCommunitygame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "OCommunitycode")]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #bbbbbb, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #999999, 1, #000000))
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/faithfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "OFaithcode")]
(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #efcca0, 1, #000000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #ffdcb0, 1, #000000))
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 2)
(set: $indulgence to it - 2)
(set: $community to it + 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $faiththoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $romance < 0)[(set: $romance to 0)]
(if: $romance > 100)[(set: $romance to 100)]
(if: $indulgence < 0)[(set: $indulgence to 0)]
(if: $indulgence > 100)[(set: $indulgence to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $faiththoughtno is $faiththoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $faiththoughtno of $faiththoughts)]
(t8n:'dissolve')+(t8n-time: 5s)[(link: "<img src='./graphics/nature.gif'>
<img src='./graphics/darkfeel.png'>")[(hide: ?img)(show: ?body)]]]|body>[
(set: $connectionthoughtno to 0)OUTSIDE TIME
(box: "X", 3)+(size:0.8)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:0px")+(corner-radius:16)[[Close your eyes and breathe deep.]<textbody|]
|gamebody>[(display: "OConnectiongame")]]{
(hide: ?body)
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it + 2)
(set: $belief to it + 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $communitythoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $communitythoughtno is $communitythoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $communitythoughtno of $communitythoughts)]
(set: $energy to it + 2)
(set: $social to it - 2)
(set: $community to it - 2)
(set: $connection to it + 2)
(set: $belief to it + 2)
(set: $connectionthoughtno to it + 1)
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $social < 0)[(set: $social to 0)]
(if: $social > 100)[(set: $social to 100)]
(if: $belief < 0)[(set: $belief to 0)]
(if: $belief > 100)[(set: $belief to 100)]
(if: $community < 0)[(set: $community to 0)]
(if: $community > 100)[(set: $community to 100)]
(if: $connection < 0)[(set: $connection to 0)]
(if: $connection > 100)[(set: $connection to 100)]
(if: $money < 0)[(set: $money to 0)]
(if: $money > 100)[(set: $money to 100)]
(if: $connectionthoughtno is $connectionthoughts's length)[(track: 'trapcard', 'fadeout', 3)(go-to: "Returnbody")](replace: ?textbody)[(print: $connectionthoughtno of $connectionthoughts)]
{(track: 'trapcard', 'play')
(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greenfeel.png' style='float:right'>")[
(display: "OConnectioncode")]}
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $social, 100, "X", "Social: $social", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $belief, 100, "X", "Faith: $belief", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $community, 100, "X", "Community: $community", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $connection, 100, "X", "Connection: $connection", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $money, 100, "X", "Money: $money", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $things, 100, "X", "Things: $things", (gradient: 90, 0, #f2efbe, 1, #005000))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Concerns: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #d2cf9e, 1, #005000))
}You are aging. Your life has fewer options.==>
(link: "QUICKSTART1")[(set: $mins to 8)(set: $secs to 60)(go-to: "Schoolstartbody")]
(link: "QUICKSTART2")[(set: $mins to 4)(set: $secs to 60)(go-to: "YAstartbody")]
(link: "QUICKSTART3")[(set: $mins to 6)(set: $secs to 60)(go-to: "Parentstartbody")]
(text-size: 0.5)+(color: #444)[By Sam Wilson. Music by Lara Pieters. v0921a5]
{<div id="preloaded-images">
<img src="./graphics/title.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/next.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/begin.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/blank.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/baby.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/party.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="./graphics/community.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/faith.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/joy.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/kiss.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/nature.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
<img src="graphics/child.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
(track: 'buried', 'loop', true)
(track: 'storm', 'loop', true)
(track: 'pushing', 'loop', true)
(track: 'aliased', 'play')}
(text-size: 0.8)+(color: "grey")[(char-style: via (t8n-delay:pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[There are two things that you need to know.]
(char-style: via (t8n-delay:4s + pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[The first is that this game will only last for TEN MINUTES.]
(char-style: via (t8n-delay:8s + pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[The second is that you can only play it ONCE.]
(after: 2s)[(t8n:'dissolve')[<img src='./graphics/title.gif'>]]
(char-style: via (t8n-delay: pos*60)+(t8n:'dissolve'))[(link: "BEGIN")[(set: $mins to 9)(set: $secs to 60)(go-to: "Body")]]](set: $timerstart to 0){
(replace: ?nextbody)[]
(replace: ?textbody)[]
(if: $food < 0)[(set: $food to 0)]
(if: $food > 100)[(set: $food to 100)]
(if: $energy < 0)[(set: $energy to 0)]
(if: $energy > 100)[(set: $energy to 100)]
(if: $energy >= 2)
[(show: ?eatbutton)(hide: ?noeatbutton)]
[(hide: ?eatbutton)(show: ?noeatbutton)]
(if: $energy >= 2)+(if:$food >= 2)
[(show: ?thinkbutton)(hide: ?nothinkbutton)]
[(hide: ?thinkbutton)(show: ?nothinkbutton)]
(if: $energy is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Awake")]]
(if: $food is 100)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Too full")]]
(if: $food is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Starving")]]
(if: $energy is 0)
[(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Exhausted")]]
(track: 'aliased', 'stop')
(set: $currentgame to "Finalgame")
|eatbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greyeat.png' style='float:right'>")[
(set: $food to it + 10)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(display: "Finalcode")]]
|noeatbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greyeatfaded.png' style='float:right'>]}
|sleepbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greysleep.png' style='float:right'>")[
(if: $energy >= 100)[(replace: ?textbody)[You don't need sleep right now.]]
(set: $energy to it + 10)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(display: "Finalcode")]]}
|thinkbutton>[(link-rerun: "<img src='./graphics/greythink.png' style='float:right'>")[(set: $reflection to it + 1)
(set: $finalthoughtno to it + 1)
(set: $energy to it - 2)
(set: $food to it - 2)
(if: $finalthoughtno is $finalthoughtlist's length)[(set: $finalthoughtno to 1)]
(display: "Finalcode")
(display: "Finalthoughtcode")]]
|nothinkbutton>[<img src='./graphics/greythinkfaded.png' style='float:right'>]
{(text-size: 1)[
(meter: bind $food, 100, "X", "Food: $food", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $energy, 100, "X", "Energy: $energy", (gradient: 90, 0, #111, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $reflection, 100, "X", "Reflection: $reflection", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(display: "Finalcode")
(replace: ?textbody)[(display: "Final1")]
{(size: 0.5)[
(meter: bind $joyexp, 100, "X", "Joy experience: $joyexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $romanceexp, 100, "X", "Love experience: $romanceexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $indulgenceexp, 100, "X", "Escapism experience: $indulgenceexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $familyexp, 100, "X", "Family experience: $familyexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $beliefexp, 100, "X", "Faith experience: $beliefexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $communityexp, 100, "X", "Community experience: $communityexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
(meter: bind $connectionexp, 100, "X", "Nature experience: $connectionexp", (gradient: 90, 0, #222, 1, #777))
}The timer is almost done.(replace: ?textbody)[(print: $finalthoughtno of $finalthoughtlist)]==>
(color: grey)+(size: 0.5)[<a href="https://faith.show/">RETURN TO FAITH.SHOW</a>]} You don't need sleep now.(link-rerun: "SKIP",(button:))[(set: $secs to it - 10)]